Wednesday 30 October 2013

Dahi puri

  • Although dahi puri is a snack especially from the north and as my coworker said, you will find better served. It's another varity of the Pani puri. It is made of a thin, crunchy and round dough (puri) which is made a hole with the thumb in order to pour the liquid. In the case of dahi puri, it is prepared with a chilly sauce on the base, covered with sweetend beaten yogurt (dahi) and in this case, served also with sprouts, parsley, salt, coriander, turmeric, and other spices.
  • Dahi puri aunque es un aperitivo especialmente del norte, no es imposible encontraro en el Sur. Es un derivado del Pani puri. Consiste en una masa fina, crujiente y redonda (puri) que se agujerea con el pulgar para poder introducir el liquido acompaniante. En el caso del dahi puri lleva una base de salsa picante, no apreciable en la foto pues esta cubierta por yogur batido liquido azucarado (dahi) y en este caso, acompanian brotes de lentejas, perejil, turmeric, and other spices.

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