Thursday 5 September 2013

Southern or northern food?

In India, specially in the south of India, local restaurants divide their food between southern and northern food. The thali (round metal plate) that is in the front is southern food and the thali at the back is from the north.
Various restaurants dont serve meat, the reason behind it is that in the south of India most are vegetarian. That doesn't mean you wont be having chicken in a week!
There is such a variety in the southern meals that I dont know where I would start. As for now, the round breads which are empty from inside are called Puris, and you can even have them for breakfast. Actually, they have midday and night meals for breakfast, there is no difference like in the european or american cuisine. Puris remind me a lot to the spanish "churros", without having that much sugar or being so thick.
In the thali, besides the bread, they serve you two different kinds of rice, several vegetables (with their thousand and one spices and chillies!) and curd is served, besides the bread and the dessert. All of this, in a single Thali!
En la India, sobre todo en el sur de la India, los restaurantes locales dividen el menu en comida del sur o del norte. El primer thali (plato redondo y metalico) de la foto es del sur, y el thali en segundo plano es del norte. Existen muchos restaurantes que no serviran carne, pues el sur de la India se conoce por ser vegetarianos, ello no quiere decir que no vayas a probar pollo durante semanas.
Existe tal variedad de comidas y panes en el sur de la India que no sabria por donde empezar. Por ahora, los panes redondos y llenos de aire que se encuentran en la foto se llaman Puris y hasta puedes tenerlos para desayunar. Es mas, es normal tomar para desayunar las comidas del mediodia o de la noche, no existen los desayunos estilos europeos. Los puris me recuerdan mucho a los churros pero sin azucar ni la consistencia del tipico churro madrileno.
En el thali, a parte del pan, sirven dos tipos de arroz, y una variedad de verduras con sus mil y una especies, asi como elcurd (asi llaman al yogur) y el postre. Todo en un Thali!

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