Sunday 18 August 2013

Nariyal Pani for your health

  • First of all, hello to the blogging life, and secondly, hello to Bangalore (Bengaluru) and the new life with its ups and downs.If you ever feel any health problem, have nariyal pani (coconut water). Its the first natural medicine in South of India I have found. And that you can see it by finding coconut vendors at each and every corner, if you can see him behind all that wall of coconuts! 20 or 30 rupees and your pain will go away,... supposedly. 
  • Primer de tot, hola al mon del blogging, i en segon lloc, hola a Bangalore (Bengaluru) i la nova vida amb els seus moments bons i dolents.Si mai tens algun problema de salut, beu nariyal pani (aigua de coco). Es la primera medicina natural que he trobat al Sur de l'India. I ho pots deduir per la quantitat de venedors que hi ha a cada cantonada, aixo si els pots veure darrera del seu mur de cocos! 20 o 30 rupias i els teus dolors marxaran, ... en principi.

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