Saturday 24 August 2013

The Namma metro

Namma metro (our metro in kannada) is the first metro line in Bangalore, covering from the shopping street of MG Road to the neighborhood of Baiyyappanahalli, all the six stops being connected on elevation and therefore offering beautiful views of the city. There are people, as I did, that only take the metro as an attraction. The metro is very clean, modern and with lots of security spots. Its been over a year since its inauguration and covers a short distance, maybe that's the reason why it's so shinning shinning?

A funny story: At the return I asked at the counter desk "to Indiranagar" and was charged 24 rupees, which I thought it was strange as before it only cost 12 rs. They didn't have change of 100 rs, but they were kind enough to let me go with the little change I had, which surprisingly was 23 rs. In return they gave me two tokens. Now I was more confused than before, maybe this journey back was taking another route? After exchanging some words and eye contact the mystery was solved! Apparently "to Indiranagar" was understood "two Indiranagar". As one of them said, "one good joke". And with my change and laughs back I returned To Indiranagar.
Namma metro (nuestro metro en kannada) es la primera línea de metro en Bangalore, cubriendo desde la calle de tiendas MG Road hasta el barrio de Baiyyappanahalli, estando las seis paradas conectadas por aire y ofreciendo unas vistas encantadoras de la ciudad. Hay gente, como yo hice, que solo toma el metro como atracción. El metro esta muy limpio, moderno y con mucha seguridad. Hace mas de un año de su inauguración y cubre un recorrido corto, quizás por eso brilla y requeté-brilla?

Suceso gracioso a la vuelta: Al pedir en taquilla “to Indiranagar”, me cobraban 24 rupias. La subida de precio me confundía, pues la ida sólo había sido12 rs. No tenían cambio de 100 rs, y estaban dispuestos a dejarme subir al metro con las cuatro monedas sueltas que tuviera, y que resultaron ser 23 rs! A cambio recibí dos fichas. Ya si mi confusión era máxima, pensando que la vuelta debía ser otro recorrido. Después de intercambiar algunas palabras y miradas póker, el misterio se resolvió! Resulta que “to Indiranagar” habían entendido “two Indiranagar”. Como uno de ellos dijo: “un buen chiste”. Y con mi cambio y algunas risas de vuelta volví To Indiranagar.

  • An interesting signal in the metro.
  • Una señal interesante en las estancias del metro.

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