Tuesday 4 February 2014

Cheesecake mania

Cheesecake with bluebarry from Nizams (@ Cunningham road).

Cheescake from Sunnies (@ Lavele road).

Cheesecake from SmokeHouse Deli (@ Lavele road and 100ft. road Indiranagar).

Mango cheesecake from The Egg Factory (@ St. Mark's road).

Bangalore snaps

Hindu temple in Kamanahalli

Flower vendor

Flower vendor meets vegetable vendor.

Home made sweets

Dulces caseros y del sur de la India. Mezcla de coco, arroz inflado, avellanas, ...

South indian home made sweets. A mixture of coconut, dry fruites, ...

Tea with surprise

Un te con sorpresa en Infinitea (@ Indiranagar Double Road, or, Cunningham Road). Una flor seca, tanto puede ser jazmin como la flor roja, etc., que aparenta algo verde y cerrado, pero al dejar pasar unos cinco minutos en agua caliente, se transforma en una flor.

Te with surprise in Infinitea (@ Indiranagar Double Road, o, Cunningham Road). A dry green thing will be dropped inside hot water and after a wait of five minutes, it will transform into a beautiful flower.

Flowershow in Lalbagh

En celebracion del 26 de Enero (Dia de la Republica India), el jardin botanico Lal Bagh acogia una exhibicion de flores durante quince dias. Habia mucha gente, calor y flores.

In celebration of the 26th January (India's Republic Day), the botanical garden Lal Bagh held a flower show inside the glass house for fifteen days. Lots of people, heat and flowers.

  • Surely my mother's favourite corner, the orchid show.
  • Definitivamente la parte de la exhibicion favorita de mi madre, el rincon de las orquidias.

  • Algodon de azucar, como en las ferias.